Tuesday, May 31, 2011

move-in day>>>tmrw!

so let me fill you in on my trip to mississippi before i talk about anything else.

so basically this all started when i went with a group of college students over spring break to a small church in lakeshore, MS. the church, lakeshore baptist, was destroyed by hurricane Katrina and after the devastation, they became a place of refuge for the survivors. the church has gradually rebuilt themselves and now hosts mission trips for people all over the US. the church takes requests from people in the community and in surrounding communities for things they need help with, whether it be katrina relief, or just help in general. then, the mission groups are dispersed throughout the community to complete the requests. even after 6 years, much is still to be done to recover from the effects of the deadly hurricane. the devastation is still very evident.

there's not much to the church...just a bunch of quonset huts, train cars, trailers, and a few structures...just enough space to allow 120 missionaries to eat, sleep, wash, and worship. i have been told that i will be living in one of the train cars this summer, which should be interesting to say the least :P

i will definitely be roughing it while i am down there, but that makes it all the more fun :)

the church is located about a mile from the beach/coast...and if u kno me, then u kno how happy that makes me ;) also, lakeshore is about 45 minutes from new orleans, which is also pretty exciting. hopefully i will be able to make a few trips up there in my free time.

spring break was an incredible experience for me...even tho we stayed in tents, got eaten alive by gnats, had to get up at the crack of dawn every morning, and were almost swept away by a violent storm, it was such an awesome trip!

afterwards, i felt called to go back for the summer and i answered the call...so here i am, halfway to mississippi. taking a chance all by myself...putting all my faith in God. and hoping...praying that i can make a difference in someone's life. im prepared to be taken out of my comfort zone. im ready for God to use me in any and every way he sees fit. i cant wait to see what he has is store for me!

im planning on staying in mississippi for several weeks before i head home for a family vacation...and depending on how things go, i may be back for the second part of the summer. it just depends on where God wants me.


  1. Erin, please make sure you take someone with you when you go to NOL. Someone that knows the ins and outs of the city. You have a great head on your shoulders - keep it that way.
    love you much,
    auntie c

  2. haha i will! i def will not be going there alone. love you too!
